Nürnberg and München
I arrive in Nürnberg with three other girls visiting their boyfriends. I used Mitfahrgelegenheit.de, which turned out very well. People who are already driving from one city to another post on this website so you can ride with them for a relatively small fee. It was nice both ways, I only regret not giving one of the girls my phone number.
Bennichen had to work on Friday so I discovered the city a bit myself...
"Always watch TV"
...I think is the translation...hmm
I had a good time, obviously.
Berlin has an obsession with this Polar Bear Knut...I think he was the first Polar Bear to survive in Human care...or something, I don't even care. I just know I'm supposed to love him, so I do. But actually now I'm supposed to love the "new" Knut, Flocke, so I do. The sign says that, "Knut Was Yesterday," with a cutsie wotsie picture of Flocke
As soon as Benni was done with work we rushed over to the Zoo as fast as possible to see her.
Ice cream and off to bed to get up early and drive to München !
Benni's really tall.
After wandering around we bought some tickets to a Bayern München gegen Berlin soccer game....legally...from a guy on the street
It was very exciting.
I posed well for a picture with Benni's Bayern München scarf
just before running to the Bratwurst and Bier.
The hungry waiting was almost unBEARable.
That's actually a Bretzel...
there wasn't enough time to take a picture
between buying the Bratwurst and finishing the Bratwurst.
Reader: Whoa.
Ruby: I know, I know.
Hey, I just remembered that I don't have my flag...where's my flag??!!
The game didn't even matter to Bayern München
because they had already won first place,
it only mattered to Berlin's standing.
Berlin lost 4-1. Sad day.
After there was a big Ceremony
for Bayern München...they got like a metal thing.
There were some pretty balloons.
The next day we both worked a little, built a cabinet and had a little fair action.
I think I've been to five fairs in the last month.
Good times. Good eats.